May 17, 2013

Fishing Fun in the Jade Forest

It had been a while since Lost Order had gathered together without a specific purpose. Goasse and Ymkje felt like fishing, so they invited their friends to join them in Sri-La Village in Pandaria.

Effex, Shakku and Hanthelia were happy to see the gnome couple. The evening was lively and the friends caught many fish. There was also one crab – Simon. Hanthy had been busy with pet training and battles recently and brought her most fierce champion with her. Effy was teasing poor Simon and got snipped. The others figured it served him right.

There was a lot of discussion about the Mantid and especially the Klaxxi faction. Goasse had made their acquaintance and naturally, Effy was also familiar with them (who didn’t the sneaky elf know?). But there was more to talk about than politics. Shakku shared some information about his latest conquest: a pandaren lady called Lily. The relationship had started in some dangerous circumstances and had continued slightly odd and obsessive…

Losties had a lovely time catching up and taking it easy. Until next we meet!